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Flo Gro 510, with tank 47 l

Flo Gro 510, with tank 47 l
Regular price €131,54 EUR
Regular price Sale price €131,54 EUR
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Flo Gro 510, with tank 47 l
Regular price €131,54 EUR
Regular price Sale price €131,54 EUR
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Automatic drip irrigation system with timer Flo-Gro 510 with dimensions 102.5x52x30cm is more suitable for outdoor or greenhouse cultivation, but also fits into a larger growing tent. In that case, we recommend using the variants with above-average height. It is mainly intended for perennial, mother and test plants.

Benefits of Nutriculture Flo Gro 510

ideal habitat for perennial and large plants (mother plants, test plants, etc.)

sufficient space and optimal conditions for a strong root system

Uniform ring irrigation brings nutrients and oxygen to the roots

Possibility to set a regular time interval for supply

maximum utilization of the nutrient solution by the pump

easy-to-install complete irrigation system

dimensions 102.5x52x30cm

tank volume 47 liters

compatible with all hydroponic fertilizers

The ring irrigation system handles the supply along the entire root circumference. It also supplies important oxygen. All Flo-Gro systems use expanded clay as a medium, which keeps the plant perfectly in a stable position. At the same time, its air permeability optimizes the oxygen supply to the roots. The timer can be used to set the automatic irrigation so that each plant is maximally satisfied.

Ideal irrigation system for mother or test plants

The Nutriculture Flo-Gro 510 timed drip irrigation system with ring irrigation is designed for growing one to two mature plants in inert media, we recommend expanded clay. Plants that you have just planted in the system should be watered 1-3 times a day to begin with. As the plant grows and strengthens, increase the frequency to up to 6 times a day. Plants under artificial lighting use up water faster, so keep this in mind.

Check pH and EC regularly, add nutrients if necessary. Change the solution completely every 2-3 weeks. For more information, see the picture gallery or the videos.

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